I explore All Ways to find the Tao - Omni-Universalism

PREAMBLE: I'm an Eccentic Late-Bloomin' Self-Realized & Actualized TRANS-Asperger's type PERSONALITY. At Best, I posess SNAFU Reasoning conjoined with FUBAR Logic with a "Complicatedly Complimenting Complex" riding Shotgun while Back-Seat Driving Bilocatedly which is (generally) INVERTED cognition compared to AnyThing else that's regarded compos mentis. I'm apt to be rather Digressive so any scribbling left here is subject to Constant Change [OXY!]. Articles will be 'tweaked & twiddled' routinely until I figure out my rules.

I (attempt to) employ Wayist Principles, here's a Creed:

To penetrate the mysteries, to bless with a good conscience, to be great and yet empty, to return to stillness and be forgiving, to be compassionate and to deliver all people, to do good deeds and help people reach the other shore these are the great benefits of our path of cultivation.

To calm people in stormy times, to help them understand the nature of things, to maintain purity, to nourish all things, to respect all life, and to answer the needs of those whose beliefs come from the heart.

These are the services Wayism can offer.

St. Siphor 3d Century CE

Our Five Principles of Faith however goes a long way to defining Wayism but it is not exhaustive since there are many culturally sensitive expressions of our Way. You will find that every expression of Wayism incorporates at least 99% of the Five Principles of Faith. Five Principles of Wayism

1. We believe in One Power, One Source, One Ultimate, One God (or Grand Design). There is only one Force underlying all of creation seen or unseen, matter, or anti-matter, in all universes. This One Force is the Architect, the Source, and the Essence of all. This One Ultimate Power is God, which is thus essentially Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient (& Omnibenevolent). Within God resides the ultimate Yin and Yang, which is the Personality of all Energy.

2. We believe in the Potential Divinity of Humankind. We are spiritual beings created in the image and likeness of God. As children of God we are endowed with creative ability. As children, we are evolving into maturity through the process of theosis. Theosis is the purpose of life for humans—to evolve into being like Christ. Each time we take on a human birth our potential creates a human body and a soul (mind), to serve us during that cycle. It is our explicit responsibility to care for our souls and bodies as a craftsperson cares for her tools. Without proper care, we cannot craft this life to serve us toward theosis. A wasted life is one in which we did not grow into our full potential, and maybe the most severe sin of all. In Jesus the Saviour, whose teaching we follow, we have a perfected Brother at one with the Energies of God our Mother and Father.

3. We believe in finding the knowledge of Good and Evil. One of our purposes in life is to gain the True knowledge of good and evil. In reality evil is anything that leads contrary to theosis and good is everything that leads to theosis. However, humankind's limited rational ability often defines evil according to human likes, dislikes, and current societal vogue. Humans fear pain, death and suffering, and often define these, and everything we do not understand, as evil. To gain the True knowledge of Good and Bad we need to gain the wisdom of it to see it from God's viewpoint. We create by our thinking, and we should learn to create good rather than evil. Sin is any wilful action or thought that, as an arrow shot from a bow, aims to miss the target which is theosis.

4. We believe in the Laws of Nature. By the Grace of God the universes are endowed with natural laws and forces which govern our family's co-habitation in creation. These laws of nature assist stellar systems and molecules to vibrate and move according to their purpose; and help to keep humanity on its path of theosis. We take special cognisance of the following Laws:
• The law of Karma returns to us whatever thoughts, actions and inactions we project into the universes to afford us the luxury to experience first-hand that which we give unto others—and learn from it at some stage.
• The law of Dharma helps us to never forget what our duty and task is for this lifetime. The ‘word of God is written in our souls,” as Scripture says. The law of gravity attracts things to large masses to keep them grounded, similarly within the principles of the law of Dharma are teachers and Light Bearers such as The Saviour brought to our level of cognisance when we are ready for their teaching.
• As the laws of cohesion, adhesion, and diffusion cause some things to be attracted to one another and other things to be kept at a distance—whatever we may do to work against the Laws of nature, in the end, even be it in pain and seeming catastrophe, we will be helped back on the theosis track by the Laws of the universe.
• Metanoia is the most powerful gift God put into our hands. We have ‘free will' because of metanoia. Metanoia is the power to reprogram our souls (minds) to think differently and therefore to create differently. Whatever we think (will), consciously or subconsciously--we create. Unlike microchips and lower animal minds, we have the gift of re-programmability. We have to consciously work to program our souls to will (and create) better circumstances; healing rather than disease, happiness rather than sadness, ecstasy rather than dull existence, and growth rather than decadence. Prayer does not change Good but changes our souls; meditation gives the soul quality time with God's Energies and our angels; contemplation allows the soul to search beyond this realm for answers and guidance in the Source of all knowledge—these vehicles we use to facilitate metanoia. If we will not programme ourselves, the prevailing group-mind will think for us.

5. We believe in Love. Love is a state of being, a condition of soul, and it is an action. Love is thus both a noun and a verb. There is no love present if it is not evident in one's actions and thoughts. Because love is a state of soul, it colours our thoughts and necessarily creates love around us. Only in practicing love do we learn about ourselves and we evolve as human beings. Only in practising love and being in love do we gain wisdom which transcends knowledge—the wisdom of mysticism. Love, therefore, is the higher form of knowledge, the gateway to Wisdom. The Truth can be known by this only, and the Truth shall set us free.

Friday, 27 January 2012

Other's Words

cura te ipsum - take care of yourself

Aegrescit medendo - The Cure is Worse than the Disease

Your life is what your thoughts make it. - Marcus Aurelius

Work on Your Own Salvation, Do not Depend on Others - Buddha
"Life can only be understood backwards;
 but it must be lived forwards."

"Life has its own hidden forces which
you can only discover by living."

"Be that self which one truly is."

"Once you label me, you negate me."

"People understand me so poorly that they don't even
understand my complaint about them not understanding me."

Søren Kierkegaard

"The single biggest problem in communications
 is the illusion that it has taken place."

"The frontier between Hell & Heaven is only
the difference between two ways of of
looking at things.

George Bernard Shaw

"To effectively communicate, we must realize
that we are all different in the way we perceive
the world and use this understanding as a
guide to our commuunications with others."

Tony Robbins

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